Control Panels

Based on various studies and researches in elevator industry, S. H. Elevators has come up with most appropriate Control Panels that serves various needs of our clients. These systems have been designed to minimize the elevator movements while optimally serving the passengers. This helps to reduce the electricity consumption besides saving the waiting time for passengers.



Automatic Rescue Device (ARD)

In case of power failure this will help to bring the Lift at nearest Floor. This system works on batteries and comes into play only in case of power failure. This helps to bring the lift to the nearest floor thus allowing anyone trapped inside to come out easily.

Variable Voltage Variable Frequency Drive (V3F DRIVE)

As car air conditioner has become a standard feature in any modern car, V3F drive is an essential feature of modern elevator and it is real value for money. Here are some of the salient features of elevator with V3F Drive :

Smooth Start & Stop

Better Level accuracy irrespective of Load

Extra Loading Capacity

Reduces Breakdowns

Improves Life of Lift

Reduces Electricity consumption
